See what your customers are seeing when they look at your Joomla web site on their mobile devices.
Go to this link and type in your URL: This tool should reveal where you can make improvements on your mobile user experience for folks visiting your Joomla CMS site on one of many mobile devices.
With mobile devices soon becoming the premier viewing device with a massive market share and not millions billions of devices worldwide, having your web site available for these viewers can open a huge door for you to increase the availability of your products and services.
Here are some statistics I found on line that shed light on this booming industry:
- 5.9 billion – The estimated number of mobile subscriptions worldwide in 2011.
- 13% – The smartphone share of all mobile handsets in use worldwide.
- 78% – The percentage of worldwide mobile data traffic that is consumed by smartphones.
- 1.6 billion – Number of mobile devices sold to end users in 2010, an increase of almost 32% compared to the year before.
- 19% – The percentage of worldwide mobile devices sold that were smartphones.
- 472 million – Number of smartphones estimated to be sold worldwide in 2011.
- 982 million – Estimated number of smartphones to be sold in 2015.
- 80% – The share of devices accessing mobile websites that have a touchscreen.
- 50 million – The number of people worldwide who have a mobile phone but that do not have electricity at home. In other words, mobile access has further reach than electricity.
Explore this wiki for even more numbers:
There are many ways to build your site for mobile but the latest and most popular trend right now is to use a single template that is “Responsive”. What this means in the underlying code, known as CSS, in the template it is smart enough to know which device and screen resolution you are viewing the site on and it will switch automatically. Recently CNP integrations switched our template to a responsive one. Many of the most popular template venders have new responsive templates built on their frameworks and with any of these as a base CNP integrations can easily skin them with your branded graphics and color themes.
Great news for Joomla 3.0 users
The new Joomla 3.0 release is now "mobile ready and user friendly". It has several built in features in its platform which can let you build robust mobile applications and responsive user experiences regardless of your device of choice. Visit for more info on what is here now and coming soon with this latest Joomla build.
Stay tuned for more blog articles, webinars and other information from the CNP Integrations team on how to skin templates or update your Joomla site to become responsive and can open the door for access to mobile devices.