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Subscribe to Download-J3

Subscribe for a Download Marketing Module
Increase your sites lead generation with this easy to use, newsletter signup for a download module. Build lists, export CSV files and import them easitly into your email manager client of choice. Easy to install and quick to set up.
Super easy list builder!
Increase your sales funnel with emailing lists and qualified leads by offering your users a download in exchange for joining your mailing list. This could be any incentive to get them to sign up, a free e-book, mp3, video, document – any file type at all! You can provide an image to make your offer clear and attractive and then all the user has to do is enter their address and agree to your terms and conditions page. Click on download and voilá! Another email address for your next email campaign and a happy user with their downloaded file. It couldn’t be simpler!
It’s so simple, you can even run multiple instances at the same time! Specific downloads, special audiences, unique offers! Its up to your imagination to capture the potential. Of course accessing your new newsletter recipients is just as easy, with a simple link for downloading a csv file from the module administration. Simply select the CSV tab underneath Basic options and Click! Choose save file and Ok and your list downloads, ready to be integrated into your existing email lists in a click. When opening in excel or calc you have to choose separate by ; (semicolon) and presto! its done.

NOTE: This download is only compatable with Joomla 3.x. 


Last Update:
July 28, 2013
Compatible Browsers
IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version:
Joomla 3.0.2, Joomla 2.5.7, Joomla 2.5.5, Joomla 2.5, Joomla 1.7
Extension Type:
Files Included:


Viral TURBO Charge Module

Quick Start User Guide

Joomla 3.x

How to install and configure the Subscribe to Download module for Joomla

1. Login and go to the extensions manager

To install your Subscribe for a Download module, navigate to Extension Manager from the Extensions menu in the administration of your Joomla site.

2. Uploading the Module

Then using the Browse button, find the file, select it and click on Upload and Install.
The installation of the Subscribe to Download module is now complete!

3. Finding the Module

Now navigate to the Module manager in the administration of your site. To quickly find the module you can type Viral into the filter and then click search.
Click on the title to start setting up your module. The Module is by default titled Subscribe for  Download  and is set to unpublished. Click on the title to start setting up your module.

4. Publishing the module

  • You can set the module status to Published.
  • Next give the title of your module an appropriate name if Viral Turbo is unsuitable to your needs.
  • You may Hide or Show the title of the module by selecting the appropriate radio button.
  • Next select a position from the drop down box, that you want the module to be placed in.
  • Click on the down arrow and choose a position for the template being used.

5. Basic Options :

• You can assign a module class Suffix to the Subscribe for a download module in order to add your own css styling
• For Module Image, include an absolute path for the image you would like to use as part of the heading of the module eg: If you do not require an image you can just leave this field blank .
Please note that this module works best with jpg and png images.
• Your Download URL is where you need to enter the absolute path for the article that is to be downloaded upon subscription by a user, eg:
• The Article ID T&C field requires that you provide an Article ID to your Terms and Conditions Article, eg : 23

6. Downloading a CSV File to import into your preferred mail campaign manager.

Once your Subscribe for a download module is operational you can easily download a CSV (Comma separated value) spreadsheet of the email addresses collected from the module.
Simply click on the link: Download CSV from the CSV File tab in the admin area.